
HTTP Header

X-Auth-Token: keystone Token

Common HTTP Status

Code Status Description
401 Unauthorized Authentication required or you don't have permission to perform action for a resource
404 Not Found Resource Not Found
500 Internal Server Error Server Side issue occurred.. Please contact administrator
  • Not Found: 404 Resource Not Found
  • Internal Server Error: 500 Server Side issue occurred.. Please contact administrator


Description: Location represents each datacenters


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
keystone_endpoint Keystone endpoint Keystone endpoint string uri
contrail_endpoint Contrail endpoint Contrail endpoint string uri
webui Webui WebUI link string uri
contrail_webui Contrail Webui Contrail WebUI link string uri
region Region Region string
address Endpoint address Endpoint address string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/locations

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "locations": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address

Show API

GET /v1.0/locations/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "location": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address


POST /v1.0/locations

Sample Request

    "location": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "location": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/locations/:id

Sample Request

    "location": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "location": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "keystone_endpoint": $keystone_endpoint,
        "contrail_endpoint": $contrail_endpoint,
        "webui": $webui,
        "contrail_webui": $contrail_webui,
        "region": $region,
        "address": $address

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/locations/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Heat Template

Description: Global Heat Template.


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
template Heat Template Heat Template string yaml

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/heat_templates

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_templates": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/heat_templates/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template


POST /v1.0/tenant/heat_templates

Sample Request

    "heat_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "heat_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/heat_templates/:id

Sample Request

    "heat_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "template": $template

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/heat_templates/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Heat Instance

Description: Global Heat Instance.


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
heat_template_id Heat Template Heat Template string
parameters Parameters Parameters object

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/heat_instances

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_instances": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/heat_instances/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_instance": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters


POST /v1.0/tenant/heat_instances

Sample Request

    "heat_instance": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "heat_instance": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/heat_instances/:id

Sample Request

    "heat_instance": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "heat_instance": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_template_id": $heat_template_id,
        "parameters": $parameters

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/heat_instances/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Heat Instance

Description: Local heat instance on each location status


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
heat_instance_id Heat Instance ID Heat Instance string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_heat_instances

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_heat_instances": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_heat_instances/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_heat_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_heat_instances

Sample Request

    "local_heat_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_heat_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_heat_instances/:id

Sample Request

    "local_heat_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_heat_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "heat_instance_id": $heat_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_heat_instances/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources


Description: OpenStack Glance image


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
url URL URL string uri
visibility Visibility Image visibility. Valid value is public or private. Default is public. string public
disk_format Disk format Disk format string
container_format Disk format Disk format string
min_disk Min Disk Amount of disk space in GB that is required to boot the image. integer
min_ram Min RAM Amount of RAM in MB that is required to boot the image. integer
protected Protected Image protection for deletion. Valid value is true or false. Default is false. boolean False

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/images

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "images": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/images/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "image": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected


POST /v1.0/tenant/images

Sample Request

    "image": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "image": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/images/:id

Sample Request

    "image": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "image": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "url": $url,
        "visibility": $visibility,
        "disk_format": $disk_format,
        "container_format": $container_format,
        "min_disk": $min_disk,
        "min_ram": $min_ram,
        "protected": $protected

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/images/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources


Description: OpenStack Flavor


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
ram RAM(mb) RAN(mb) integer
vcpus VCPUs VCPUs integer
disk Disk(GB) RAM disk size integer
swap Swap(GB) Swap disk size integer
ephemeral Ephemeral(GB) Ephemeral disk size integer

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/flavors

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "flavors": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/flavors/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "flavor": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral


POST /v1.0/tenant/flavors

Sample Request

    "flavor": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "flavor": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/flavors/:id

Sample Request

    "flavor": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "flavor": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "ram": $ram,
        "vcpus": $vcpus,
        "disk": $disk,
        "swap": $swap,
        "ephemeral": $ephemeral

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/flavors/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Service Template

Description: Global service template configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
image_id ImageID ImageID string
service_mode Service Mode Service Mode string
flavor_id Flavor ID flavor_id string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/service_templates

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_templates": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/service_templates/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id


POST /v1.0/tenant/service_templates

Sample Request

    "service_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "service_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/service_templates/:id

Sample Request

    "service_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_template": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "service_mode": $service_mode,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/service_templates/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Service Instance

Description: Global Service Instance configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
service_instance_properties Service Instance Property Service Instance Property object
service_template_id Service Template Service Template string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/service_instances

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_instances": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/service_instances/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_instances": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id


POST /v1.0/tenant/service_instances

Sample Request

    "service_instances": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "service_instances": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/service_instances/:id

Sample Request

    "service_instances": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "service_instances": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_properties": $service_instance_properties,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/service_instances/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Service Instance

Description: Local service configuraion in each service


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
service_instance_id Service Instance Service Instance string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_service_instance

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_instance": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_service_instance/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_service_instance

Sample Request

    "local_service_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_service_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_service_instance/:id

Sample Request

    "local_service_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_instance": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_instance_id": $service_instance_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_service_instance/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Service Template

Description: Local service configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
service_template_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_service_templates

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_templates": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_service_templates/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_template": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_service_templates

Sample Request

    "local_service_template": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_service_template": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_service_templates/:id

Sample Request

    "local_service_template": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_service_template": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "service_template_id": $service_template_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_service_templates/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Security Group

Description: Global security group configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
contrail_id Contrail ID security group ID used in contrail integer

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/security_groups

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_groups": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/security_groups/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_group": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id


POST /v1.0/tenant/security_groups

Sample Request

    "security_group": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "security_group": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/security_groups/:id

Sample Request

    "security_group": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_group": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/security_groups/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Security Group Rules

Description: Global Security Group Rule Configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
direction Direction Direction string
ethertype EtherType EtherType string
protocol Protocol Protocol string any
port_range_min Port Range Min Port Range Min integer
port_range_max Port Range Max Port Range Max integer
remote_group_id Remote Group ID Remote Group ID string
remote_ip_prefix Remote IP Prefix Remote IP Prefix string cidr
security_group_id Parent parent object string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/security_group_rules

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_group_rules": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/security_group_rules/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_group_rule": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id


POST /v1.0/tenant/security_group_rules

Sample Request

    "security_group_rule": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "security_group_rule": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/security_group_rules/:id

Sample Request

    "security_group_rule": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "security_group_rule": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "direction": $direction,
        "ethertype": $ethertype,
        "protocol": $protocol,
        "port_range_min": $port_range_min,
        "port_range_max": $port_range_max,
        "remote_group_id": $remote_group_id,
        "remote_ip_prefix": $remote_ip_prefix,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/security_group_rules/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Security Group

Description: Local Security Group


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
security_group_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_security_groups

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_security_groups": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_security_groups/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_security_group": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_security_groups

Sample Request

    "local_security_group": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_security_group": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_security_groups/:id

Sample Request

    "local_security_group": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_security_group": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_security_groups/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources


Description: Network


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
contrail_id Contrail ID Virtual Network ID used in contrail integer
cidr Cidr cidr string cidr
local_prefix_len Local Prefix Length Prefix length for each local network integer

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/networks

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "networks": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/networks/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "network": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len


POST /v1.0/tenant/networks

Sample Request

    "network": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "network": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/networks/:id

Sample Request

    "network": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "network": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "contrail_id": $contrail_id,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "local_prefix_len": $local_prefix_len

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/networks/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Network Policy

Description: Network Policy resources to allow policy between different networks


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
source_network_id Source Network ID Source Network string
dest_network_id Destination network ID Destination Network ID string
entries Rules Rules array

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/network_policies

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "network_policies": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/network_policies/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "network_policy": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries


POST /v1.0/tenant/network_policies

Sample Request

    "network_policy": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "network_policy": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/network_policies/:id

Sample Request

    "network_policy": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "network_policy": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "source_network_id": $source_network_id,
        "dest_network_id": $dest_network_id,
        "entries": $entries

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/network_policies/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Network Policy

Description: Local configuraion status in each location


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
network_policy_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_network_policies

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_network_policies": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_network_policies/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_network_policy": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_network_policies

Sample Request

    "local_network_policy": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_network_policy": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_network_policies/:id

Sample Request

    "local_network_policy": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_network_policy": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "network_policy_id": $network_policy_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_network_policies/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources


Description: OpenStack Server instance configuraion. Experimental and for testing purpose only.


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
image_id ImageID ImageID string
network_id Network ID NetworkID string
security_group_id Security Group ID Security Group string
flavor_id Flavor ID flavor_id string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/servers

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "servers": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Show API

GET /v1.0/servers/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "server": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id


POST /v1.0/servers

Sample Request

    "server": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "server": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/servers/:id

Sample Request

    "server": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "server": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "security_group_id": $security_group_id,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/servers/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Server

Description: Local server configuraion status


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
instance_id Instance ID Instance ID string
console_url Console link for console string uri
server_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/local_servers

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_servers": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/local_servers/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_server": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/local_servers

Sample Request

    "local_server": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_server": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/local_servers/:id

Sample Request

    "local_server": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_server": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "instance_id": $instance_id,
        "console_url": $console_url,
        "server_id": $server_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/local_servers/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local flavor

Description: Local status of flavor configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
flavor_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_flavors

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_flavors": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_flavors/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_flavor": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_flavors

Sample Request

    "local_flavor": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_flavor": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_flavors/:id

Sample Request

    "local_flavor": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_flavor": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "flavor_id": $flavor_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_flavors/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Image

Description: Local status of image configuraion


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
image_id Parent parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_images

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_images": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_images/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_image": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_images

Sample Request

    "local_image": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_image": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_images/:id

Sample Request

    "local_image": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_image": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "image_id": $image_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_images/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Local Network

Description: Local network in single DC


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
location_id Location ID Location ID string
status Status status string
output Output Output object yaml
id ID ID string uuid
name Name Name string
tenant_id Tenant ID Tenant ID string
description Description Description string
cidr Cidr cidr string cidr
network_id network parent object string
task_status Task Status Task Status string

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_networks

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_networks": [

        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Show API

GET /v1.0/tenant/local_networks/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_network": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status


POST /v1.0/tenant/local_networks

Sample Request

    "local_network": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "local_network": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/tenant/local_networks/:id

Sample Request

    "local_network": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "local_network": { 
        "location_id": $location_id,
        "status": $status,
        "output": $output,
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "tenant_id": $tenant_id,
        "description": $description,
        "cidr": $cidr,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "task_status": $task_status

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/tenant/local_networks/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

ID Pool

Description: Identifier pool for managing various ID pool


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
name name Name string
start start start number
end end end number
assigned assigned assigned boolean

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/admin/id_pools

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "id_pools": [

        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned

Show API

GET /v1.0/admin/id_pools/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "id_pool": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned


POST /v1.0/admin/id_pools

Sample Request

    "id_pool": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "id_pool": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/admin/id_pools/:id

Sample Request

    "id_pool": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "id_pool": { 
        "id": $id,
        "name": $name,
        "start": $start,
        "end": $end,
        "assigned": $assigned

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/admin/id_pools/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Route Target Association

Description: Route Targets association represents link between route target and networks


Key Title Description Type Default Format Permission
id ID ID string uuid
network_id Network ID Associated Network ID string
route_target Route Target Route Target identifier integer

Note: it is mandatory property if there is no default value specified. id is an exception. if id property is null, gohan server will put uuid.

API Endpoint

List API

GET /v1.0/admin/route_target_associations

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "route_target_associations": [

        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target

Show API

GET /v1.0/admin/route_target_associations/:id

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "route_target_association": { 
        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target


POST /v1.0/admin/route_target_associations

Sample Request

    "route_target_association": { 
        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 201 (Accepted)

    "route_target_association": { 
        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Update API

PUT /v1.0/admin/route_target_associations/:id

Sample Request

    "route_target_association": { 
        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target

Sample Output

HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK)

    "route_target_association": { 
        "id": $id,
        "network_id": $network_id,
        "route_target": $route_target

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

Delete API

DELETE /v1.0/admin/route_target_associations/:id

HTTP Status Code: 204 (No Content)

Error Codes

Code Status Description
400 Bad Request There are one or more errors in request value
409 Conflicts Data integlity issue such as deleting resource with reference from the other resources

results matching ""

    No results matching ""