Operational Detail

Command Line Client

the Ukai package will also include CLI client so that you can manipulate global controller resources.

You need set following Env vars.

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export GOHAN_SCHEMA_URL=/gohan/v0.1/schemas
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL="http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0"
root@a3s40:~# ukai client
gohan client namespace # Gohan Namespace
gohan client event # Gohan Event Log
gohan client extension # Gohan Extension
gohan client policy # Gohan Policy
gohan client schema # Gohan Schema
gohan client location # Location
gohan client heat_template # Heat Template
gohan client heat_instance # Heat Instance
gohan client local_heat_instance # Local Heat Instance
gohan client image # Image
gohan client flavor # Flavor
gohan client service_template # Service Template
gohan client service_instance # Service Instance
gohan client local_service_instance # Local Service Instance
gohan client local_service_template # Local Service Template
gohan client security_group # Security Group
gohan client security_group_rule # Security Group Rules
gohan client local_security_group # Local Security Group
gohan client network # Network
gohan client network_policy # Network Policy
gohan client local_network_policy # Local Network Policy
gohan client server # Server
gohan client local_server # Local Server
gohan client local_flavor # Local flavor
gohan client local_image # Local Image
gohan client local_network # Local Network
gohan client id_pool # ID Pool
gohan client route_target_association # Route Target Association

root@a3s40:~# ukai client network

  Description: Network

   - id [ string ]: ID ID
   - name [ string ]: Name Name
   - tenant_id [ string ]: Tenant ID Tenant ID
   - description [ string ]: Description Description
   - contrail_id [ integer ]: Contrail ID Virtual Network ID used in contrail
   - cidr [ string ]: Cidr cidr
   - local_prefix_len [ integer ]: Local Prefix Length Prefix length for each local network


  - List all Network resources

    gohan client network list

  - Show a Network resources

    gohan client network show [ID]

  - Create a Network resources

    gohan client network create \
      --id [ string ] \
      --name [ string ] \
      --tenant_id [ string ] \
      --description [ string ] \
      --cidr [ string ] \
      --local_prefix_len [ integer ] \

  - Update Network resources

    gohan client network set \
      --description [string ] \

  - Delete Network resources

  gohan client network delete [ID]

root@a3s40:~# ukai client network list
|    CIDR     | CONTRAIL ID | DESCRIPTION |                  ID                  | LOCAL PREFIX LEN | NAME |            TENANT ID             |
| |        1014 |             | 757d98c9-3f1b-48c0-abeb-83f0c09f9660 | 24               | blue | 43f9bcbbcfe642c1bc682e04e5db1538 |
| |        1017 |             | f3fe041b-739d-499c-9bfe-4074a0d51dc2 | 24               | red  | 43f9bcbbcfe642c1bc682e04e5db1538 |

Hot reload

OpenContrail Global Controller support hot reload. To hot reload, send HUP signal for OpenContrail Global Controller process.

Southbound resource creation failure

Southbound resource creations may fail for various reasons. OpenContrail Global Controller tries to recover from error status on a update REST API call.


/etc/ukai/gohan.yaml is ukai configuration

You can configure various option such as HTTPS, Logging, CORS. For more detail, please take a look Gohan configuration guide

Customize API Call

OpenContrail Global Controller uses Gohan framework so that it is pretty easy to customize API and workflow.

  • Schema: Schemes is in schema directory
  • Workflow logic file is in extensions directory

For more information, please take look Gohan document

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