Opencontrail Global Controller takes simple web 3-tire application for simple operation. It stores resource configurations in the RDBMS such as MySQL so that we can ensure consistency on resource configuration. Each OpenContrail Global Controller has work queue so that it can process large number of processes.
OpenContrail Global Controller supports OpenStack Keystone as user identity management system, so you can integrate OpenContrail Global Controller with multiple OpenStack deployment. OpenContrail Global Controller consumes OpenStack API including Nova, Neutron Heat on each region, and it also consumes OpenContrail VNC API in the case of there is no required capabilities in the OpenStack API side.
Each local OpenContrail Controllers exchange routes with identifiers configured from OpenContrail Global Controller.
High Availability
OpenContrail Global controller is using simple web 3-tier architecture so that we can archive active-active setup under load balancers. For backend RDBMS, we can use Galera or MySQL master-slave replication.