
Scenario Test

  • [x] ID Pool
  • [x] Network
  • [x] Image
  • [x] Security Group
  • [x] Security Group Rule
  • [x] Server
  • [x] Service Tempalte
  • [x] Service Instance
  • [x] Network Policy
  • [x] Heat
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Flavor

Negative API Test

400 Bad Request

  • [x] ID Pool
  • [x] Network
  • [x] Image
  • [x] Server
  • [x] Security Group
  • [x] Security Group Rule
  • [x] Service Tempalte
  • [x] Service Instance
  • [x] Network Policy
  • [x] Heat
  • [x] Location

409 Conflict

  • [x] Network
  • [x] Image
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Security Group / Rule
  • [x] Service Tempalte
  • [x] Service Instance
  • [x] Network Policy
  • [x] Heat
  • [x] Location

401 Unauthorized

  • [x] ID Pool
  • [x] Network
  • [x] Image
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Security Group / Rule
  • [x] Service Tempalte
  • [x] Service Instance
  • [x] Network Policy
  • [x] Heat
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Flavor

Southbound Error

  • [x] Network
  • [x] Image
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Security Group
  • [x] Security Group Rule
  • [x] Service Tempalte
  • [x] Service Instance
  • [x] Network Policy
  • [x] Heat
  • [x] Location
  • [x] Flavor

Failure Test

Global Controller Side issue

  • [ ] Gohan Down / Restart
  • [ ] MySQL Down
  • [ ] MySQL Data Loss & rollback to backup
  • [ ] MySQL Restart
  • [ ] Keystone Down
  • [ ] Keystone Restart

Location Down

  • [x] Network Down
  • [ ] API Server Down
  • [ ] API Server Zombie Status

  • [ ] Data Loss in Location

  • [ ] Configuraion Consistency Issue

Upgrade test

  • [ ] Test upgrade status

Stability test

  • [ ] long running test with benchmark test
  • [ ] memory & performance test
  • [ ] high load test

Benchmark test

  • [ ] Benchmark Test

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